Shoulder pain can affect all age groups. The reasons for the shoulder pain can range from injury, infection, instability to arthritis. Shoulder is a joint with vast range of movement. This increased mobility comes with a price of the joint being prone to instability and injuries.
Shoulder pain can occur with movement in particular direction or with lifting objects in a particular angle. It can also hurt during rest. The area of pain is also an important characteristic which helps in understanding which structure of the shoulder has been affected.
Swelling. Swelling indicates that the shoulder is irritated. This can be due to mechanical causes such as rubbing, inflammation due to wear and tear or injury to the internal structures.
Stiffness. Stiffness can be due to swelling or muscle tightness. If stiffness is not allowing to lift the arm up, it means that something is mechanically blocking the free movements of the shoulder.
Instability. Instability occurs due to the labrum or lip of the socket being torn or stretches. This can be either in the form of subluxation where the joint is a bit loose or frank dislocation, where the joint is out of place and needs to be physically reduced back into place.
Wear & Tear