Arthroscopy is a procedure done for the treatment of joint problems using small cuts through which camera and instruments are passed into the joint. Using the camera, the surgeon can see the joint and also treat various joint related problems. In addition to the camera, small thin instruments are passed into the joint and a vast array of surgical procedures such as cartilage repair, cartilage regeneration, ligament reconstruction, ligament repair, cyst removal can be done through this procedure.
Knee Arthroscopic Procedures
There are several advantages to this procedure.
Risks are minimal in this procedure
This procedure can be done under different modes of anaesthesia.
Post-Operative Care
Early mobility is preferred in most arthroscopic surgeries. However there will be restrictions to weight bearing in some depending upon the type of surgery performed. Post-operatively R.I.C.E therapy is advised to reduce the inflammation in the intial days. Exercise programs form an integral part of the rehabilitation. Physiotherapy plays a key role in complete recovery and return back to activities and sports.