Golfers Elbow or medial epicondylitis affects people in the age group between 30 and 50. It is a repetitive strain injury (RSI). It is due to micro injuries at the starting part of the muscles on the inner side of the elbow (common flexor origin). It feels like a bone pain, but it not a bone problem, but the muscle which starts from this point.
Why & how does Golfers Elbow Injury occur?
Golfers elbow is due to repetitive strain. It is due to either playing racket sports such as tennis or badminton, but more commonly due to use of keyboards, mobile phones for prolonged periods. Using the vibration tools or wringing clothes can also cause this injury. The micro-injuries to the muscle tendon makes it stiff and painful.
Who gets the Golfers Elbow injury?
It is common in software users, prolonged mobile users, raquet sport players, women doing household chores and people using vibratory tools.
Natural History (Progression of disease in the absence of treatment)
Golfers elbow will keep causing dull pain which can worsen with activities using the forearm muscles. It may limit one from sporting activities for long term as well. However, it is a self limiting condition and resolves in majority of patients by 12 to 24 months.
When to seek medical help?
Pain relieving medicines, RICE therapy are sufficient as an immediate remedy. If the pain is persistent and not settling, will need an assessment by a Sports Injury Consultant. Initial clinical assessment is necessary. MRI Scans and x-rays are usually not necessary.
What happens when I visit the Consultant?
You will be asked about the nature of injury, symptoms further to that so far. Consultant will examine you and discuss the treatment modalities. In most cases, MRI scan wouldn’t be required. With simple exercise based treatment majority of these injuries heal naturally within 4 to 6 weeks. In those with poor signs of healing by 4 weeks, may need further management.