Bunion Surgery
Bunion Surgery is performed to correct the hallux valgus and other deformities of the toes and forefoot. Bunion is often a cosmetic deformity without any symptoms. Bunion are also one of the common causes of the foot pain. Bunion are more common in women. It is often associated with genetics and also wearing tight and pointed shoes. Bunions can also be the consequence of abnormal shape of the foot or arthritis.
Bankarts repair or Labral repair
Risks of Bunion surgery are low however a small overall risk of adverse outcomes remains.
Preparing for the surgery
A good control of medical conditions such as diabetes and blood pressure is required. In addition to that a thorough check up by the physician and advice regarding the dosage of the medications and any alterations to that the days before and after the surgery needs to be taken. Stopping smoking is necessary as smoking affects the healing of the osteotomy and the surgical wound.
Bunion Surgery
The Hallux valgus surgery involves bone osteotomy as well as soft tissue procedures. This is either performed with injection in the back to numb the legs or alternatively under general anaesthesia where you are put to sleep for about the 1.5 hours of surgical time. Post-surgery you can expect to see a plaster slab around foot. The surgery involves removal of the enlarged portion of the bone, realign the bone, muscles, ligaments. To realign the bone creating the cuts in the bone in specific places and angles is required followed by realignment and fixation with small titanium screws.
Post-surgery you can expect to be in slab for first 2 weeks. You will need change of dressing 2-3 times. After 2 weeks you will be in a walker boot for upto 6 weeks. You will be walking with the support of a walker in the beginning. You need to be prepared to not put weight on the foot for first 2 weeks. Post that you need to be walking with partial weight for upto 6 weeks. After 2 weeks, you will start basic stretching exercises for the foot. For complete recovery you will need around 4 to 5 months.