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PRP Injection (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma injection has been described first in 1970s. However, it has found wider acceptence and evidence in Orthopedic field only in the last 15 years. It now has been an establised treatment in different areas of medicine including Dermatology, General Surgery in addition to Orthopedics. Its treatment value has been equated to that of stem cell therapy in many regards. 

This is an innovative procedure performed in the clinic as out patient. 


  • Tendinopathies
Tennis Elbow
Achilles tendinopathy (Heel)
Patellar tendinopathy (Knee)
Rotator Cuff partial tear (Shoulder)
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Ligament tears (Partial)
ACL (Knee)
ATFL and CFL (Ankle)
TFCC (Wrist)
MCL (Knee)
  • Osteoarthritis (Mild to moderate)

How is it performed?

The preparation for this begins with drawing blood from the patient in the same way as drawing blood for investigations. Blood is carefully collected in the special test tubes and is centrifuged. With this the blood and the plasma get separated. Out of which the lowest layer of plasma, which is rich in platelets is separated. This is then injected to the area of need. Local anaesthesia gel is usually applied to the area prior to the injection. Post injection, you need to avoid taking any NSAID pain killers for 15 days. 

What to expect post Injection?

Post Injection, there may be a mild increase in pain for the first 2 to 3 days. After that the injection pain settles down. Stretching exercises are resumed after 3 days. You can expect improvement in the condition in around 4 to 6 weeks. 

Another way of doing PRP is by using the blood drawn from the bone marrow (BMAC – bone marrow aspiration concentrate). In certain instances, this is preferred over the standard PRP. However the donor site pain may persist for few weeks.